Economist magazine: Slovakia is the 35th best country to live in

BRATISLAVA - The country that provides the best opportunity for a healthy, safe and prosperous life, is now Switzerland. According to a ranking Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), a sister company of The Economist.

Australia and Norway take second and third place. The top ten also includes Sweden, Denmark, Singapore, New Zealand, Netherlands, Canada and Hong Kong. Slovakia is ranked 35th. From neighboring countries are better off Austria (13th), Czech Republic (28) and Poland (33). The surprise was Hungary with a pretty poor showing at (46th). The worst are Kenya (79th) and Nigeria (80).

USA in this year's ranking was placed at 16th place along with Germany and Italy at 21. Japan is at 25th place France at 26th and the United Kingdom to 27 th place. Even 25 years ago, in 1988, was the U.S. in the first place. Followed by France. West Germany, Italy, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, Sweden, the Netherlands. Things are changing...

Ranking is calculated on the basis of criteria such as gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, life expectancy, quality of life in terms of divorce, the state of political freedom and the unemployment rate. Additional criteria include climate, personal safety, and quality of community life, managing the company in terms of corruption and gender equality.