the current labour code is Slovakia is like saying to employers, employees are crap you can treat the like dogs if you like... Not even Britain (which is the most anti-employee EU country) has the laxity that there is in Slovakia.
As an employer you can have people working like slaves and minimum civilised standards can be circumvented, this is clearly unfair and exploitative... These are fair changes and Fico should be congratulated for putting this right at a time when Tony Blair has failed to do such things for all these years in power. Continental europe is a civilised place, if somebody wants to behave to employees as if they are chinese or indians they should go and live there, and sell their products and services only there! (but oh no they want to pollute & exploit producing stuff in china but sell in expensive shops in London...)
I also find that KOZ the labour union in Slovakia is actually quite responsible and reasonable. This crap with using part time labour to get away from rewarding people fairly needs to stop, particularly because it might piss off the germans who have standards in these things so much that the EU money that flows into slovakia may not do so in the future. Its unfair competition for Slovakia to prostitute its people's labour like China is doing. China is a Communist dictatorship, but the freedom fighters of the western media seem to forget that little detail... Why isn't bush trying to topple the Commies in China then? Isn't there oppression there? China allows western investment and big profits so they are not evil anymore... Pathetic...
here is the news item in full:
Planned changes in Labor Code favors employees
HIGHER severance pay, shorter work time, limitation of temporary work contracts for employees and the restriction of forced employment through trade licenses are among the planned changes in the Labor Code revisions which Labor Minister Viera Tomanová wants to submit to the government by March of next year.
However, employers, who are happy with the current Labor Code, are against the planned changes being demanded by the labor unions, Pravda wrote.
Labor unions are demanding that the work week should not exceed 48 hours including work emergencies at workplaces. They also want employees to enjoy the same rights regardless of whether the employees are part-time or full-time. Currently part-time employees who work fewer than 20 hours per week are entitled to a shorter notice period and lower severance pay.
“It is discrimination that we want to eliminate,” said Vladimír Mojš from the Confederation of Labor Unions (KOZ).
PM Robert Fico also supports changes in the Labor Code.
“It is definitely not right that Slovakia has a law which enables people to work from dawn till dusk. I think there should be certain limits,” Fico said recently.
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