On RogerH's suggestion origina story here :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=YEfgueY172g#t=332s History of Bratislava - Pozsony - Presporok - Pressburg Bratislava City capital of Slovakia. Settled first by Celts and Romans. As Pressburg, it developed as a trade centre and became a free royal town in 1291. The first university in what was then Hungary was founded there in 1467. The city served as the Hungarian capital (1541 – 1784) and was the seat of the Diet (parliament) until 1848. The Treaty of Pressburg (1805) was signed here by Napoleon and Francis II following the Battle of Austerlitz. After World War I, on the formation of Czechoslovakia, it became capital of the province of Slovakia, and it became the national capital on Slovakia's independence in 1992. Bratislava is an important road and rail center and a leading Danubian port. A well-diversified industry produces textiles, chemicals, and metal goods; during the Communist period, heavy industry was focused on the production of armaments.
Decided to start a Blog about Bratislava, and the politics of the country because most of the blogs about Slovakia and Bratislava in english were either brief entries from travellers passing through Bratislava with no idea about the place and commented largely about beer and other "vital issues" like that, or the more serious ones usually run by moronic americans preaching their judaeo-christian hyper-religious extreme-pro-capitalist & oligopolistic anti-democratic religion coupled with their famed grasp of geography.
There are also some Brits that have a slightly better grasp of geography than their US cousins. However brits are largely trying to recreate colonial glories and their grasp of facts in Bratislava tends to be confused even at the BBC. Most of the experiences the brits have are from lager-lout type pissups in Bratislava and use that crap movie "Hostel" as their intellectual compass.
This blog aspires to discuss serious matters with humour and no-nonsense analysis. Its unapologetically intellectual and refuses to allow this term to be ascribed with a negative meaning the way that the word liberal has become negative in the US.
Clearly there is much love about this great city and country, but without pandering to any special interests or prejudices.
Comments are welcome and will never be deleted or blocked if they offer a contrarian view.
You forgot to include a link. This appears to be the original.
ReplyDeletequite right
ReplyDeletewell IHT carries alot AP material so it is the same story, and sorry i didnt include the link, i am not a journalist so i forget those quotation niceties :)
usually i put my comment plus the entire article so.. anyway thanks for your comment Roger
It's not just a nicety. If you include a link there are sites like Technorati where you can look up who's linking to a page. For example, Here are the links for that IHT story. and this is who links to you.
ReplyDeleteSo it's worth doing so that you're more plugged into the internet, if that's what you want.
By the way, I put my opinion about this on my page so there'd be a bit of advertising for you.
Why does anyone care what the yesterday man thinks ? He was the second biggest crook after Mecair . Did one single major corruption case come to a successful end ? Even Mecair escaped the hangmans noose, in Daz's eight years of hell in power...
ReplyDeletePs . Don't worry about any missing links Yogie, thats all nerd and loovie journalist crap ...and Oh my god you copied someone elses copied, copied story la de da ...The sort of thing that Beta Blockhead would get all woobley about .
answer to "lancet"
ReplyDeleteYou have a distinctly original take on Dzurinda's term in power, he got Slovakia integrated into the richest club of nations on earth, and into the biggest military alliance where an attack on one nation is an attack on all (NATO).
He reformed the economy with Miklos that is why its roaring ahead with china-like speed. That is what a patriot does, and as far as corruption is concerned, this is endemic in SLovakia as is in most countries to greater or lesser extent, other than a few countries in Scandinavia due to cultural reasons.
About Meciar, have you heard of a thing called separation of the branches of government? Its when (in any country other than in sub-saharan africa) the executive branch cannot tell the judiciary what to do. The courts and the prosecutor are not Dzurinda's responsibility, if he did what you suggest Dzurinda would be a dictator based on the constitution of Slovakia and any other country in europe...
I 'll stop here as all this is pretty elementary.
The more I read your items and your condersending manner, the more I realise that you haven't a clue about the way politics or the country of people work here. Are just all bluster or are you able to digest news and read outside the right wing rags that bonk on in Slovakia ? You will excuse me but this is not an interlectual debate Blog , but a personal I love me wank .
ReplyDeleteQuote ' To say the courts and the prosecutor are not Dzurinda's responsibility,( when he was helping appointing judges ) if he did what you suggest Dzurinda would be a dictator based on the constitution of Slovakia ..Correct he was !! The Simko sacking and the party split, was all to do with him and his personal greed for the Nato gun deal .
Why no arrest of Mecair ?
The deal for the sale of his HQ building , the Ba airport sale ( now reversed ) and the tunneling EU cash via SDKU run private enterprise bank ..the Highways Department . ( tell your mates what rural land to buy at skk20 m2 and get the highways office to buy it back at Skk 200 m2, when a Industrial Park or road runs through it )
ps. I 'll stop here as all this is pretty elementary news to anyone with knowledge of what goes on in that big white building over looking the Danube.
I would have thought that in order to be a dictator Dzurinda would have to take on emergency powers, and considering he left office without tanks going onto the street, I would suggest a different word.
ReplyDeleteThe trouble in Slovakia is that there are no heroes but no real villains either. For me, the interesting question is whether that's because they don't have the imagination or the nerve for Milosevic/Lukashenko evil or whether there is something in the system that balances them and stops them.
What's the dark matter that keeps Slovakia a more or less normal country?
I think Dzurinda's legacy is 90% positive. Despite some real difficulty faced by many slovaks, his terms in office coincided with accessions onto organisations that will define Slovakia's direction forever (EU & NATO).
ReplyDeletePoor man had to get Slovakia in the EU under the worst possible conditions, and there would not be another chance really. So his policies should be looked in the light of his unstable coalition, the high stakes of EU NATO, his personal unpopularity.
The high growth of Slovakia is his creation and this should be recognised, unemployment is falling not because of Fico but because of Miklos and EU integration. There are a couple of further boosts that a responsible Robert Fico needs to achieve in his term(s) (he is likely to be re-elected so better get used to his neo neanderthal features :) )
1. EURO, he must get in in 2009, the economics of this change are overwhelming, small countries have much more to gain from a strong currency, NBS blew 3 Billion Eur defending the Koruna because of inexperienced Fico's comments on his election. This underlines why the koruna should be exchanged
2. The Euro will in effect provide safeguards that any future government can't ruin the economy or pursue mad policies.
3. Slovakia needs to enter the EURO with an undervalued currency like Ireland has done, an economy like Slovakia's is small change to the ECB, if Slovakia joined with an undervalued currency (currently -40%) then it could enjoy at least 10 years of convergence effects with the rest of the eurozone (in effect negative interest rates). Ireland needs to be the model...
4. Schengen accession is important for Bratislava, it will in effect cause Vienna's wealth to be shared with Bratislava, its vital that more transport links that are cheaper are also created, ideally a 1 euro ticket fast link between the cities.
Lets be clear about it, Dzurinda would have never been elected normally, he is not popular and never was. Some Slovaks still get impressed by morons that are proud of what they are, like Meciar or Slota, this is because simply people have not had that many elections under their belt yet, some people want easy and radical solutions by action men. Of course these do not work anywhere, real change for the better is slow and is delivered by soft spoken technocrats with bald heads and not a whiff of popularity. The tragedy is that the credit is stolen by birds of technicolour plumage like Fico.
The dark matter that keeps Slovakia on a virtuous path is the education of its citizens which iwas and should remain universal. The cultural influence from the Austrohungarian empire should not be underestimated either.
Austrian politics have some striking similarities to Slovak ones in my mind.
Coalition politics, Jorg Heider/Jan Slota, cynical but ultimately patriotic right wing parties. Despite some excesses and given the poverty of the country, the path has been remarkably smooth...
Anywhere you look around these days the problems that being faced are much more intractable than Slovakia's, even Italy is locked in a disturbingly ominous cycle of unaffordable social provision, demographics, and political stalemate. In much of europe there is regression, whereas in SLovakia there is resurgence. Slovakia is also a globalisation winner so far, which is another plus, its a good time to be a Slovak...
So i believe on the macro level things are going very well, on the micro level the problems of corruption, Meciar, anti hungarian attitudes, roma integration need to be tackled but they are unlikely to reverse the positive path of Slovakia overall.